(Registered under section 8 of Companies Act, 2013)


28, Arunachalam Road, Saligramam, Chennai – 600 093, Tamil Nadu, India.


Sri L. V. Prasad (producer, actor, director, cinematographer and recipient of Dadasaheb Phalke Award) dreamed of creating a film academy in the 1950s. His son, Sri Ramesh Prasad manifested the dream in 2005. Since then, hundreds of aspiring filmmakers have graduated from the L V Prasad College of Media Studies (LVPCMS) and found success in the Indian film industry.
LVPCMS is part of Prasad Group, Asia’s largest provider of post-production services. Prasad Group includes Prasad Productions Pvt. Ltd., Prasad Digital Film Laboratories, Prasad Corporation Pvt Ltd (EFX), Digital Film Technology GmbH, Prasad Media Corporation Ltd., Prasad Recording Studios, Prasad Panavision, Prasad Extreme Digital Cinema Network and Prasad Corp – U.S.A. The group has major production facilities and offices in Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Thiruvananthapuram, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, USA, UK, Germany and Japan.


Sri L. V. Prasad (producer, actor, director, cinematographer and recipient of Dadasaheb Phalke Award) dreamed of creating a film academy in the 1950s. His son, Sri Ramesh Prasad manifested the dream in 2005. Since then, hundreds of aspiring filmmakers have graduated from the L V Prasad College of Media Studies (LVPCMS) and found success in the Indian film industry.
LVPCMS is part of Prasad Group, Asia’s largest provider of post-production services. Prasad Group includes Prasad Productions Pvt. Ltd., Prasad Digital Film Laboratories, Prasad Corporation Pvt Ltd (EFX), Digital Film Technology GmbH, Prasad Media Corporation Ltd., Prasad Recording Studios, Prasad Panavision, Prasad Extreme Digital Cinema Network and Prasad Corp – U.S.A. The group has major production facilities and offices in Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Thiruvananthapuram, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, USA, UK, Germany and Japan.


Managing Director

I am extremely happy and proud that L V Prasad College of Media Studies has completed a decade of service to the media and entertainment industry. It is with a feeling of great pride and humility, at the same time, that we are getting ready to welcome the newest batch of students into the Academy. While we can feel proud that all our graduates are doing well in the film industry across the country we are also witnessing radical changes in the world of technology and innovative narrative systems virtually sweeping away many of the traditional norms of filmmaking. As experienced filmmakers and post production service providers, we at Prasad Group have transformed ourselves to take advantage of this challenge with an open mind. In the midst of all this, L V Prasad College of Media Studies has always tried to deliver the best education at a minimum cost, compared to all other private film schools in India.

At L V Prasad College of Media Studies we have the finest set of teaching faculty in the country and we constantly endeavor to offer a well-crafted syllabus to empower students with the best that film theory and actual practice can offer. Evolving digital technologies consistently drive our equipment upgradation program and being part of a fully functional production and post production studio is a unique advantage to our students.

Student films produced by the Academy continue to win awards at most of the prestigious short film festivals across the world. All this motivates us to pledge ourselves yet again to continue with the Vision of Mr. L.V. Prasad, our founder, who dedicated his entire life for the betterment of Indian Cinema.




Graduates of LVPCMS programs:

  • Examine cinema from an aesthetic, historical, cultural and narrative perspectives and use this knowledge in creating their individual works.
  • Demonstrate aesthetic, conceptual and technical proficiency throughout the production process.
  • Conduct themselves in a collaborative and professional manner.


  • LVPCMS (Chennai) programs of study follow the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) prescribed by the University Grants Commission for higher education.
  • CBCS provides students the opportunity to select from a list of core, elective and foundation courses within an individual program of study.
  • This method of education provides flexibility for students in learning, allowing then to choose courses depending upon their interests and requirements.
  • CBCS also allows students to choose interdisciplinary, intra-disciplinary and skill-based courses for their skill development.
  • In addition to content knowledge, students’ analytical and creative skills are also assessed by an in-built evaluation system.

Note: At present, the 1-year Digital Filmmaking Diploma Programs in Thiruvananthapuram and Bengaluru do not follow the CBCS structure.


The academic year is divided into two semesters – first (odd) and second (even) semesters.
  • First semester spans approximately 20 weeks, from the mid-July to mid-December.
  • Second semester spans approximately 20 weeks, from mid-January to the mid-June.
Students receive a combination of theory and practicals/exercises as well as dedicated time for feedback sessions, during and at the end of the semester. Students receive detailed feedback on each exercise, jointly as well as in smaller sessions. Some courses may have end-of-semester assessments in the form of group presentations, written exams, viva voce, etc.


2-year post-graduate diploma courses: 50 credits minimum

1 credit= 1 lecture hours/week, 3 credit=3 lecture hours/week

Students are required to take a specific number of credits at the end of two years/one year (mentioned above). Only on acquiring the required number of credits will the student be awarded the diploma. A student may choose to take more than the required number of credits depending on his/her interest.

CBCS provides the opportunity to learn core subjects as well as explore additional subjects. As implemented at LVPCMS, CBCS will provide our students a well-rounded education.


  • Core Courses are compulsory for students in a specific specialization.
  • Elective Courses are optional and may be very specific or specialized or advanced or supportive to the discipline/ specialization or which provide an extended scope or which enable an exposure to some other discipline/subject/specialization or nurture the student’s proficiency/skill.
  • Foundation courses are provided during the first semester and are common to all students irrespective of specialization.